The Luxury Journeys values your privacy and takes all possible measures to safeguard it and keep it secure. In the course of interaction with this website you may be requested to supply your name, contact details, email and address as well as any other details relevant to any transactions. It may be noted that use of this website is governed by our terms and conditions read together with the privacy policy. Terms herein are subject to change without any prior intimation and users are advised to check from time to time to update themselves about any revisions.
What we do with the information we gather
We request for your name, email, contact information and other relevant details with the sole purpose of tailoring our services to serve you better. We may use the information to send you emails and offers or update you about changes to our services and provide a satisfactory user experience.
We use your contact details for internal record keeping and to contact you for any clarifications as may be necessary in the course of transactions or any future necessity.
We never use your information for any commercial purposes. We do not divulge it to any third parties for any purpose, unless required by law in which case we obtain your prior approval. Your data may be given to third party secure online payment portals to facilitate completion of processes but the information is kept secure at different levels.
Third party links and websites
Our site may display links to third party websites. If you deal with them by clicking through, you do so at your risk and The Luxury Journeys through its owners, assumes no responsibility or liability for any consequences arising there from.